Materials & Shaders Conclusion
If you want to obtain a real and rich texture material, you generally have to go through a combination of multiple physical channels. Common physical channels are diffuse reflection, reflection, refraction, highlight, transparency, roughness, bump, normal, displacement, transfer, self-illumination, etc.
Generally, to build a PBR material with real physical characteristics, you must first choose a suitable renderer and PBR material system.
Commonly used physical channels include diffuse reflection, reflection, normal, highlight, and transparency.
To simulate the details of the surface of an object, bump or normal maps must be required. Displacement is an advanced channel that simulates the unevenness of the surface of an object. It will deform the mesh surface in a real way, and the effect is generally previewed immediately before rendering.
Self-luminescence is a technology that can replace lights to form lighting. It is generally used to make luminous objects, such as neon lights, light signs, and lightboxes. It is widely used in many science fictions and cyberpunk projects.
Finally, all textures should be as seamless as possible, so that hard edges will not be seen after large areas are used and zoomed. In addition, the mesh details of many models can be simulated by materials. The advantage of this is that it is more efficient and flexible, and some details cannot be quickly and conveniently realized by modelling.